Psalm 118:24 says: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, today.

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I feel myself wanting to put on the brakes lately. Time is moving too fast, reminding me of a cartoon clock with spinning hands.
Savoring Days
Whenever Robert and I go away on a vacation, it’s usually very full of activities. Having only a week or ten days to visit, we want to take in as much as we can. On the last day, a little worn from the pace and hit with the reality that we will be going home, we put on the brakes and savor our remaining time.
There is a liturgical calendar used by many denominations that track the liturgical seasons. Some examples in western Christianity are Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.
The Longest Season of the Year
What I find interesting in the calendar is that the longest season is called Ordinary Time. That’s when there is nothing special to honor or celebrate.
But isn’t that life? Vacations and holidays make up such a small amount of time compared to most other times which are “ordinary.” We make dinner, do the dishes, run errands, pay bills, go to work, go to the doctor, take care of children or grandchildren, take care of parents and spouses… the ordinary tasks of life.
If your ordinary time consists of running on life’s treadmill of tasks and responsibilities without putting on the brakes to rest and renew (even your mobile devices will give out if they aren’t recharged), the stress and strain will rob you of joy and rejoicing. And if you choose to be anxious and worry, you will find your joy slipping away.
Will You Be Stressed or Find Joy Today?
An ordinary day like today has a new sunrise, changing sky, and sunset. Each ordinary day, your body is quietly supporting you with your lungs breathing and your heart beating without you having to think about it. Today you have the opportunity to meet someone new or help someone. That calls for rejoicing!
You can experience extraordinary moments each ordinary day when you focus on the present moment. Don’t focus on yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Today, this precious day is what you have. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Retreats that Focus on Joy, Flow, and Fellowship
These three-hour online retreats will renew your mind and spirit as you fellowship with other faith-filled folks. You will be empowered to live with greater joy and flow. Find out the latest retreat details and keep informed about upcoming retreats.
Lethia Owens
March 15, 2021 11:32 amJackie today I WILL find joy. Thanks for sharing this awesome post that inspired me to shift my thinking.
Jackie Trottmann
March 15, 2021 12:01 pmHi Lethia,
Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you are inspired to find joy and shift your thinking.
With joy,