Posts tagged with: focus on dreams

focus on dreams

Why You Lose If You Don’t Choose a Word for the Year

Do you pick a word for the year? I started doing this for the last three years with incredible results. This word picking is not a frivolous, flippant exercise. Watch,...

Live Your Life from Values and Purpose – Step 19 of 21 Days of Focus

Focus is only lasting if it is fueled by your values and purpose. In Step 14 we talked about creating balance in your life and how life is a series...

Avoid Negative People and Surround Yourself with Positive People – Step 12 of 21 Days of Focus

  Prioritizing these 21 focus steps was not easy. To avoid negative people and surround yourself with positive people could have easily been step one or two because this step...

Listen to What Expands You – Step 10 of 21 Days of Focus

Activities either expand us or contract us. Simply stated, it’s participating in activities that make you feel energized and alive as opposed to irritable and dead inside. A good example...

Do You Have A Goal, Dream or Project You Want to Get Done? Join Me for 21 Days of Focus

This blog series, 21 Days of Focus, was created to give you encouragement to start and finish any project or move towards a dream you are working on.  These 21...