One of my favorite positions I held was Vice President of Marketing for an organization that helped faith-based and charitable organizations raise funds.
I was responsible for securing sponsors. One I secured was Toshiba. They were supplying copiers and equipment for one of our largest groups, the AME Church.
Darryl was our liaison, a tall personable, faith-filled man full of joy and Darrylisms as I called them. Darryl was also a pastor.
He said to me one day, “It’s not a testimony without the test. Otherwise, all you have is imony.” : )
What Do You Think When You Hear the Word Testimony?
Perhaps you think of one’s overall faith testimony of life before knowing about Christ, then accepting Christ, and how life has changed after as a result.
But I think beyond that to the various tests we face just living life. How often is your faith tested each week or even each moment?
By that I mean, will you allow worry, anger, anxiety, or life’s demands to overwhelm you, or will you be mindful of God’s Spirit within you to bring you peace, clarity, strength and assurance because of God’s faithfulness to us?
How I Was Tested
When my mother’s health took a sudden turn for the worst, I was completely caught off guard. The task put before me for her care was overwhelming.
My faith was tested. Would I do my typical what I call muscling through things, taking massive action on my own to get things done? Or would I let go and let God help me?
There was no way that I had the strength to carry out what was needed to care for her needs on my own. So, I let go.
I experienced that joy part of this verse from James.

As I let go and let God help me, all the details for my mother’s care and handling her financial affairs fell into place. It’s through that situation that I discovered the gift of flow. If you haven’t read the story where I share The Four Steps to FLOW, you can access it here.
God is With Us Always and Especially When Life Tests Us
When you are tested, it is natural to be overwhelmed and to react in a stress-filled way. But we have a very big God who knows our every need and is waiting to help us.
God first provides the peace that surpasses all understanding. Then God provides the strength, comfort, guidance, and resources to pass the test.
It’s through testing that we grow. With each test, you will become stronger so that you can endure the challenges life brings.
You experience the joy in overcoming. Then you’ll have a testimony of victory to remind you when you are tested again.
The Four Steps to FLOW will give you a simple formula to use not only for when you are tested, but to stay in a state of flow on your spiritual journey.
I almost always ask you a question or give you a verse to ponder and apply to your life. Do you have a question, challenge, or joy you want to share with me? I love hearing from my readers. Please share in the comment section below.
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