Are you ready to say yes to God? A ready person never needs time to get ready.
We spent time with friends a few weeks ago in Sarasota, Florida. I had to get ready for the trip. That meant figuring out what clothes, toiletries, and other items to take.
That was a simple example of being ready.
But then there are those getting ready moments that are not so simple. Like, I’ll be ready when…
I lose weight,
Get healthier,
Get more education,
Move to a new place,
Find another job…
You Will Be Ready When Your Ducks are In a Row
You may want to get all your ducks in a row first. Then you’ll be ready.
But the truth is, the ducks get in a row when Mama moves. She forces her little ones to get going and walk or swim behind her.
Our dog Loki is always ready to go for a walk. He is expectant and looks for cues like – when I go to the closet for my coat, go to the pantry for a poop bag, and put on my running shoes.
Doing our spiritual exercises like prayer, meditation, reading scripture, and journaling, helps to tune into God’s cues and direction. (If you haven’t checked out the free videos, audios and transcripts for Four Spiritual Practices to Be Present with God, here is the link to do so.)
How ready are you to receive an opportunity big or small when God calls?

There are several examples of folks in the Bible that didn’t believe they were ready. Take Moses for example. He showed up when called, but then verbalized those self-doubts we all have. “What if they don’t believe me? I have never been eloquent. Please send someone else!”
But Moses was ready. He was ready because God was with him and gave him guidance.
Will you say, “Here I am,” or will you say, “I’m not ready.”
A ready person never needs to get ready.
Those self-doubts you have? You need to let them go. Until you do, you will be stuck and not live life with joy and flow. Need help? Letting Go is cut 5 from my Let it Go Meditative Affirmations to Let Go and Let God CD/Downloads. Access the Letting Go track here for FREE.
Have a question about letting go or why it’s so hard to be ready? Please ask it or share your experience in the comment section below.
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