The following prayer will help you to stop anxiety and anxious thoughts so that you can return to having a mind and spirit at peace.

In a world full of what seems to be constant bad news, it’s easy to become fearful, restless, and anxious.  That’s why you need to step away from world’s claws of unrest, comparison, measurement, telling you that you are unworthy, that life it too hard, that things won’t work out, and that you are not doing, being or acquiring enough.

May this prayer help you to clear your mind of anxiety and anxious thoughts.

A Prayer to Stop Anxiety and Anxious Thoughts

Dear God,

I take this time to be still to just be in your presence to clear my anxious thoughts.

I surrender these thoughts to you.

Replace these thoughts with peace.

Fill me with your peace which surpasses all undertanding.

Help me to listen to the still, small voice of your Spirit within me,

the voice of Truth – the voice of Love.

When I listen to the voice of Love, I let go of fear.

When I listen to the voice of Truth, I let go of thoughts of failure.

When I listen, I am guided.

Through your loving guidance I let go of anxious thoughts.

I gratefully receive your love, peace and direction.

In the name of your Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


If you enjoyed this prayer, you will love God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement. Instead of prayers spoken to God, these are notes of encouragement in the context of words spoken from God.

If anxiety and anxious thoughts are your constant companion, learn how to let them go through these God-centered meditations. Experience God’s presence in a deeper way by learning how to be still, let go, and trust God.

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